Driver Education
Who can take Drivers ED?
Any student at least 16 years old with a valid permit.
During our Fall, Spring and Summer Semester we will have two 8-week sessions that are given twice a week.
Our Fall and Spring Semester will also have Sunday program (1) day per week 16-week sessions.
Please check for information about future classes.
1. To become a safe, responsible, defensive driver.
In today's world driving is one of the most dangerous things you do on a daily basis. Let us give your child the skills needed in today's distracting world to help ensure their safety.
You will be taught not only the rules of the road but how to avoid unnecessary distractions and accident-avoidance techniques. We will have guest speakers from the Sheriff's department, MADD, SADD and more.
2. 2. To receive your Senior License at 17 years of age or receive your junior license at 16 years of age.
3. To receive a discount on your insurance.
Most insurance companies will accept a completed Drivers ED course for a discount on the student's insurance from 10% to 25%.
All of our classroom teachers are New York State Certified.
Our instructors are personable and will answer any of the student's questions or concerns. They make everyone feel comfortable and eager to learn.
Ivy League Drivers ED offers 3 semesters: Fall, spring and summer with a variety of scheduling options.
Please Note: Registration is on a first come first served basis.
Please make sure the registration information provided exactly matches the information on the driver's learner's permit. The information is used on your completion certificate (MV285) and must match, or it will not be accepted when you take your road test.
You must be at least 16 years of age with a NYS permit to take Drivers Education.
All classes must be made up to complete your certification.
Full tuition payment is required at the time of registration. Tuition is non-refundable but will be held in credit for up to one year if you need to reschedule your original enrollment.
A MV-262 (Certification of Supervised Driving) must be completed by all students to receive your MV-285 Certificate. Fill out and sign the top portion of the MV-262. This form is needed at the time of the road test.
MV-262 link: https://dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv262.pdf